Thursday, December 12, 2013

Without Wheels

I was without a car for a couple of days.  No bicycle, either.  So, I was pretty much homebound, except for borrowing my mom's car for a trip to the grocery store.  Even though we aren't isolated, here are few conveniences within walking distance of my house.  The mailbox, for instance, is a mile away.  I could walk to my doctor's office, if I wanted to walk another 3 miles on a road where the speed limit is 55 mph.  Sure, it helped me to get a few things done around the house, but I really like getting out, even if it's only for an hour or so, every day.  Good thing these situations are few and far between.

God, thank you for our cars and my ability to drive.  Thank you for the independence and freedom they allow me to enjoy.

Dear Reader, if you have a car and can go, I join you in being thankful for the blessings.  Have a super day.  If it's sunny and fairly warm, maybe you can wash the car.  :)

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Giving Thanks

Borrowing some words from President Lincoln (one of my heroes) today:

 "The year that is drawing towards its close, has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that w...e are prone to forget the source from which they come... They are the gracious gifts of the Most High God... It has seemed to me fit and proper that they should be solemnly, reverently and gratefully acknowledged as with one heart and one voice by the whole American People. I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens.

In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the United States to be affixed."

Every good thing--whether it's a child, a spouse, a job, a talent, a beautiful sunrise, etc.--comes directly from the hand of  God.  And so, I love, praise and thank you, Father Most Holy, for everything and everyone in my life and especially for the gifts of your infinite Love and Mercy, and your most beloved Son.

Dear reader, may He bless you and your family abundantly today and always!  Thank you for reading,

Friday, November 15, 2013


everything that keeps me from the business of writing...or trying to.  What are you trying to jettison today, dear reader?  Whatever it is, I'm with you.

Monday, October 28, 2013


Or, The "Should I Continue?" Crisis Comes to Us All. (Info from a writers' conference, plus my thoughts) 

Whatever our vocation, there always comes a time when we think about quitting.  But, if you're an artist--whether you create with words, paint, clay, whatever--these times may be more frequent than for those in other professions.  Any frustration can trigger this question, but it almost always rears its ugly head when you just don't seem to be having any success, especially any monetary success.  So, let's explore perseverance a little. 

One thing that you need in order to persevere is life experience. Mine your life for material; trace the hand of God thru your life; journal about the things that make you "crazy" (whether it's crazy happy, sad, or angry); find your purpose in terms of your art. Live your life; take risks so that you have something to create "from". Be authentic and vulnerable, and outward-focused: in particular, if you're writing, whether it's fiction or non-fiction, write to help someone else; you're giving a voice to someone so that he/she doesn't feel alone; serve your reader/audience... 

We're persevering together, my friends.  May God bless you, your loved ones and your work today.

Friday, October 18, 2013


I don't know about you, but the toughest mornings for me are those of late September through October, before we change the clocks again.  Monday through Friday, I get up at 5 a.m., but the sun rises later and later.  I'm busy during that time, maybe even with writing, and yet, those two plus hours of darkness wear on me.  Of course, when the light does come, at long last, it's so beautiful!  I often stop in my tracks to gaze at the sky, the glowing rim of horizon, the yellow, orange and fuchsia streaking the clouds, which greet the sun.

Perhaps that's part of the purpose of darkness in our lives, too--to help us appreciate the light.  I pray, dear reader, that you will experience a ray of light today and that the light will be filled with God's love.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Today is traditionally the day to honor guardian angels.  Maybe you don't believe in them, but I do.  I had an experience almost two decades ago that made me believe.  I didn't see anything, but I sure felt something.  I didn't hear anything with my ears, but I sure did within my mind.  It was powerful, but much too personal to share in a blog.

Regardless, I want to thank my guardian angel for that day, every day before, every day since, and every day that will be.  Angel, you are awesome!  And now, a challenge for you, dear friend/ that I will share with you, as always...During this week, find a way to be an angel for someone else.  No need to try doing something big or complicated.  Your smile might lift someone's heart.  The way that you listen with an open mind and an open heart may touch someone.  Let's try it, together.

May your angels bless and keep you today and every day.

Monday, September 30, 2013


Whether we realize it or not, everything in our lives contributes to who we are and who we will become.  Some things may seem insignificant, like posting a blog entry.  Really, it's a little step in our formation.  God is working on you, training you for something.  He's giving you the grace to handle the challenge of this particular moment.  As you handle/face this task or challenge, you're developing the faith and the virtues you'll need to handle the next one.   Several years ago I heard that 75% of any task is good preparation.  Let's be grateful for how God is preparing us today, so that we can live more fully tomorrow.  I'm going ahead with you, dear reader/friend.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Referred Joy?

I'm sure that you've heard of referred pain.  Maybe you've even experienced it.  I did a few weeks ago when--out of the blue--my neck suddenly hurt, and a lot.  For a while, my slightest movement sent pain shooting through it.  The usual remedies--ibuprofen, ice, heat, rest--helped some, but not enough.  When I finally visited the doctor, he said that I actually hurt a muscle in my shoulder, my trapezius (I knew I shouldn't have swung from that trapezius).  That strained muscle was sending pain and stiffness into my neck:  referred pain.

An idea grew out of my experience.  We often share suffering, the physical or emotional trials that we have in life, and our friends and family often suffer with us.  (Compassion has its roots in words that mean "to suffer with.")  This is a sort of referred pain, too.  When we share our joys, they celebrate with us.  This could be called "referred joy."

But, there's something more.  I think that we also need to share something beautiful or inspirational with others in any way that we can, but especially through social media.  There's so much ugliness, so many negative messages--and some are lies or hoaxes meant to instill fear--that we need to share Beauty and Truth.  It will have a ripple effect.

My friend, dear reader, let's do this together today.  Let's share not only what is good or joyful in our own lives, but let's share Good in all its forms:  Love, Beauty, Truth, Kindness.  It could be something as simple as a smile that lifts someone's heart and mind, and brings them a bit of referred joy.  :)

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Creating Peace

Last night I watched a video that really brought home to me the plight of people in the Middle East, especially those fleeing Syria.  Thank God that Jordan's king is keeping the borders open for refugees; and thank God for organizations like Caritas, which are helping them, too.

I was reminded that peace begins in the heart of every human being on earth, first and foremost with my own.  I need to focus on the truth that every person is my brother or sister in the human family.  Yes, some of those brothers and sisters do terrible things, and there must be punitive consequences; but violence should be a last resort, used only when every other means has been exhausted or proven ineffective.  Compassion needs to be extended to everyone, and efforts made to truly understand others.

I'm going to set the alarm on my cell phone to ring every day at noon, so that I can create peacefulness in my heart and pray for peace in the world.  I don't agree with all of John Lennon's philosophy, but I want to quote him here about my hope for peace:  "You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.  I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will live as one."

Thank you for reading, and have a peace-filled day.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I Have Returned

It's been a while, dear readers.  Sorry about that.  I'm hoping that the worst of our crisis is over, but who knows?

What a journey this summer!  I had to put many things aside and do many things that I didn't want to do.  Of course, there were also unexpected joys, like the extended visit of our Italian cousin.  She was much younger than me, and I thought that we would have nothing in common.  But, just the opposite was true, and it seemed that all we did together was laugh. 

As for my little sacrifices, they were worth it.  Nothing is more important than the people we love.  Still, I catch myself being selfish--thinking only of what I want to do, of how I'm criticized, etc.--so many times during the day.  Selfishness is such an easy, comfortable habit to slip into--like an old, tattered tennis shoe!

My goal is to perform tasks with joy, especially those things that my family needs me to do.  It doesn't matter how small the task, or how many times I've done it or re-do it during the day.  No matter that what I HAVE accomplished seems invisible to them and goes unacknowledged.  I'm really doing things for God, for the God who resides in their beautiful souls.  I need to do everything for love...for Love itself.

This means that everyone is dispensed, exempt from gratitude...  I love and serve them, God, for their/his own sake and not for a reward of any kind.

If you're experiencing something like this too, know that my heartfelt prayers are with you.  We're going ahead together.  Most of all, THANK YOU for your time and your reading.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Unlucky 13

My 13th posting, and it will be my last for quite a while, I think.  Facing a family crisis.  Everything else must be put on hold.  My apologies, dear reader, and if you are the praying kind, please pray for us.  Thank you.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Timeless Question

Sorry for not posting for a few days.  The dragon had me by the throat, but I finally gained some ground.

So, it's not what do I want to be when I grow up, but WHO do I want to be?  What kind of person will I be today...every day?  I'm not defined by what I do, but by my actions, which show my true character.  I can do good toward everyone--if not out of love, then at least out of compassion, because almost everyone I meet is suffering in some way--or I can act selfishly, only for me and what I can get out of Life.  But, everything I do, even if I'm completely "alone" has a consequence and a potential effect on someone:  it's a stone dropped into a pond.

I can act like I'm an island, independent, self-sufficient, isolated.  Or, I can build a bridge to that other "island," who--once he/she sees my efforts--may just start building a bridge toward me, too.  Reach out, dear reader.  I'm reaching out with you...

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Mother Teresa is reported to have said that suffering is permitted by God for our good and the good of all humanity.  So, I accept it, and I will look for ways to help others today.

Take a look around you.  If there is someone nearby, chances are good that he/she is also suffering in some way.  Your sufferings may be smaller or larger than his/hers, but they give you a common bond.  Don't go it alone.  Find a way to bear it together.  Shy. (like me)?  Even offering a smile may brighten their day.  We'll do this together, dear reader.  You're not alone.

Saturday, May 25, 2013


Despite thunderstorms, I plan to go out late this morning and help build community by supporting Global MS Day at my neighborhood frozen yogurt shop.

How can you help build your community?

Friday, May 24, 2013


(hardly worth the title...)

While postponing writing my blog,
I found within me an invincible frog.
But I'll never write anything as good as "The Road Not Taken"
Unless I keep embracing Jesus Forsaken.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

In Debt!

I'm indebtted to hundreds of people:  my parents, my extended family, my friends, my teachers, my husband, and even my son.  Why my son?  Because without him, I would have missed so many joys.  But, I'm also in debt to perfect strangers.  Whether I encountered them in person or by phone, letter, or e-mail, God was in each of them.  They presented me with an opportunity to give my best and, more importantly, to love as I have been loved.

I don't want to know how many times I failed them!  Now that I'm more mindful, I can only hope that my successes can someday outweight those failures.  And those people who failed to see God in me?  I humbly and sincerely forgive them.  Lord, please forgive me my debts, as I forgive my debtors.

Dear reader, consider trying to see the people in your life with new eyes.  See each one as a unique and precious gift, as God in a very clever disguise.  Then, do your best to love them.  Even if all you have to give someone is a smile, give it with love.  I'm doing so with you...

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Facing the Dragon

Yesterday's scripture readings were perfect, especially the Old Testament.  I saw them rather late in the day, but they encouraged me, and I'm rereading them today.  Sirach (2:1-11) cautions anyone who comes to serve the Lord to "prepare yourself for trials."  It goes on, giving sound advice about withstanding them--being steadfast and patient, trusting in God and His mercy.  

The psalmist says, "Commit your life to the Lord and He will help you."  It takes perseverence, a lot of prayer, and the support of family and friends, but dragons can be defeated.  But, there's more:  "Take delight in the Lord, and he will grant you your heart's requests."   I have to admit that, since my conversion, God has given me more than I ever dreamed possible.  My writing career is a little different than I imagined; still it gives me so much joy.

Last, in the Gospel, Jesus says that whoever would be the greatest must be the servant of all.  It's so very difficult to set aside our own agenda, our egos and desires.  But, each time we fail, we can start again.  Smack that dragon!  Show God our commitment to serve Him and each other by beginning anew.  Wherever you are, dear reader, if you're striving, know that I am too.  We can do it together.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Love is an unselfish gift.  Think about it.  Is Love that asks for anything in return really love?  Does Love expect a return?  It may invite, but in a whisper.  We must be still, silence our egos, our racing brains and our hectic schedules to hear it.  Let's keep our eyes, ears and hearts open today in order to experience all the ways in which Love gives to us and invites us.

Also praying for everyone in Oklahoma, and looking for concrete ways to help.  Have a blessed day, dear reader.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Next Steps

Yesterday, the dragon spawned some paragraphs in my brain.  Last night, when I couldn't sleep, I typed up most of them, but left at a place where I knew what would come next.

Today I consulted my doctor again (second time in a single year) about insomnia.  When it visits only occasionally, insomnia is a writer's friend.  When it shows up night after night, it's a stalker.  It steals your mind and sometimes your body throughout the entire day.  My prescription will be ready later.  Meanwhile...

I've written something--a journal, short stories, poems--for as long as I can remember.  I know that my desire to write, and especially to write for children, developed because my mom read to me.  It started out as bribery:  late in my high chair days, I wouldn't eat, and my "Italian" mom (obsessed with my eating, of course) made me an offer I couldn't--and didn't--refuse; she would read me a story, if I would eat.  I guess you could say that stories fed my body, mind and soul.  Later, I loved to read and went to the library as often as I could...or ran down to the Bookmobile that stopped on the corner of our street once a week.  (If you know what a bookmobile is, you're probably around my age.)  I still love reading, and writing.

Now I have a new purpose, especially for the writing:  to serve Love (God) and to communicate His love to my audience.  He has allowed me to do that in very blatant ways, so far.  What I'd like to do next is see if we can do it with a little more subtlety...  Meanwhile, I'm going ahead to give to others today by truly listening, by sharing ideas or an experience, and by making other's burdens my own--always prudently, of course.

If you are burdened in any way, be assured of my prayers for you, dear reader.  May you know God's immense love for you today, and every day.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

My Dragon

is my greatest difficulty/challenge, and also my greatest opportunity.  I'm thankful that it's here, staring me in the face, must be slain (overcome).  I know that I can't do it alone, so I beg God's help and your prayers, dear readers.  May I do His will and not my own in everything, especially with the dragon.

If you're facing your own dragon, know that in my heart, I stand at your side, armed and ready...

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Hitting Delete

Decided to delete my previous post--too personal, and I want to share this blog on my social media.  Some of the folks that I mentioned yesterday probably would not have appreciated or been comfortable with what I wrote.

So, what will this blog be about?  I need a theme.  Perhaps writing with love for Love, and for the love of writing.  That would be personal, I think, but without divulging things that are too sensitive, intimate or private.  We'll see how it goes.

Thank you, dear readers, for your patience with me and my "process."  Have a blessed day.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Hello World!

Hello, out there!  I'm an author, but this is my first real attempt at blogging.  My goal is to contribute something interesting, thought-provoking, inspiring and/or helpful each time I post.  (God help me!) 

I'll start with something simple, a brief movie review.  Keep in mind that I'm not a critic, just a movie-lover, and these opinions are strictly my own.  I mean no offense to anyone, and feel free to disagree.

I saw "The Great Gatsby" yesterday. I'd give it an A- for being very true to the novel, for cinematography, casting, direction, costumes, etc. The performances were riveting. Just one problem, very distracting at times:  bits of hip-hop/rap a period piece! Honestly, would someone who wanted to watch this movie also be interested in that type of music? The chances seem pretty remote. I wish that they had stuck with the music of the era, even if tinny.

My second realization about this story is the similarlity in theme to Bronte's Wuthering Heights.   I read Gatsby in high school, Wuthering Heights a few years later in college, and didn't make the connection then.  But memory served me yesterday:  both are about men who amass a fortune for the woman that they love, only to find that she has married someone else.  Both works end tragically and with death, although Daisy survives, unlike Catherine.  Of course, Daisy is "dead" to Jay Gatsby in a way.  I wonder if she was just too weak and frightened to leave her husband, preferring familiar pain to the promise of the romantic unknown.

Then, there were my other spiritual/religious thoughts, spurred by Gatsby saying to her, "I did all of this for you."   Forgive me if those are not the exact words, but you get the idea.  He had created everything for her, as God has created and done everything for us.  Am I weak and frightened?  Yes.  Probably even worse than Daisy, who "smashed things up," as Fitzgerald said.  But, I want to love God back, to make some sort of return--no matter how flawed or puny--for everything that He has given me and done for me, and continues to give and do for me.  I'm dependent on Him for my every breath.  I hope that I have trillions more of them left to me, because I need to improve in so many ways...

Have a blessed day, all.