Monday, June 10, 2013

Unlucky 13

My 13th posting, and it will be my last for quite a while, I think.  Facing a family crisis.  Everything else must be put on hold.  My apologies, dear reader, and if you are the praying kind, please pray for us.  Thank you.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Timeless Question

Sorry for not posting for a few days.  The dragon had me by the throat, but I finally gained some ground.

So, it's not what do I want to be when I grow up, but WHO do I want to be?  What kind of person will I be today...every day?  I'm not defined by what I do, but by my actions, which show my true character.  I can do good toward everyone--if not out of love, then at least out of compassion, because almost everyone I meet is suffering in some way--or I can act selfishly, only for me and what I can get out of Life.  But, everything I do, even if I'm completely "alone" has a consequence and a potential effect on someone:  it's a stone dropped into a pond.

I can act like I'm an island, independent, self-sufficient, isolated.  Or, I can build a bridge to that other "island," who--once he/she sees my efforts--may just start building a bridge toward me, too.  Reach out, dear reader.  I'm reaching out with you...