Interesting how May, the month of Mary, begins with the feast of St. Joseph the worker (his second feast day, the other is March 19). He was a man trained from boyhood in his trade and in his faith. He has no words in the Gospel, but his actions speak volumes. He loved God so much that he was open to God's messages and intervention. He loved Mary so much that he was "unwilling to expose her" to shame and to the law, but willingly accepted the ridicule that his own community must have heaped upon him, based on the culture of the time. No outsider looking in would have had the slightest idea about their real experience.; and if Joseph and Mary had tried to tell others about it, they would have been thought insane. He began their divine adventure with complete trust in God our Father, and dedicated himself to his extraordinary wife and divine foster Child, providing for them with the work of his hands.
St. Joseph, pray for us, help us to love God and our families, and help us to truly live our vocation for the glory of God!
St. Joseph, pray for us, help us to love God and our families, and help us to truly live our vocation for the glory of God!