It was really through the Focolare spirituality that I remembered something I had known at age 6 and 7: we are all brothers and sisters. Somehow I had lost that idea as I grew up. Finding it again has helped me go beyond my shyness to love others, although I still do and say awkward things at times. (Sorry!)
Chiara Lubich said that proclaiming the Gospel would only be "effective if our love is practical and we give food, clothing, and shelter...if we offer friendship to those who are alone and desperate, and support people in trying times..." I feel like I'm living this with my friend M., who is very ill again and also had to deal with a broken washing machine (among other things). With few friends in San Antonio and no family, she is lonely and often feels isolated. This month, I made a commitment to calling her each day--so far, God has allowed me to keep it--to talk and to read to her from a spiritual book. Through it, we're taking a journey together. I may be helping her, but it's made me happy (and less lonely), too.
Ghandi said, "You and me. We are one. I can't hurt you without hurting myself." And I've experienced that I can't help others without helping myself, but may I always help for the right reason: to love as I have been loved by our God, who created one human family.