Friday, November 6, 2015

One Human Family

"Pray for the unity of the human family." Jesus prayed for our unity at the Last Supper, so this unity of all mankind is God's "dream." We do our best to build unity with the people closest to us, and this can have a ripple effect, like a stone dropped into a pond. But, let's never underestimate the power of prayer, and of imitating Jesus. I'm praying with you...

Monday, November 2, 2015

Passing by...

"Love those who pass by us, near to us." We may encounter people only briefly in a variety of places--at the grocery store, at work, even on the road. How might we love them? Perhaps a greeting or a kind word, a smile, or a silent prayer. Pope Francis has spoken about those "small gestures" that communicate love. Let's never underestimate them! They can brighten someone's day and assure them that they're not alone. Remember, it's really Jesus (in disguise) passing by... (Matthew 25:40)