Saturday, October 27, 2018

A Blessed, Wearing Jeans!

Blessed Chiara “Luce” Badano (1971-1990), Oct 29:  I’m writing a biography (for pre-teens and teens) of this future saint.  The Gospel and the spirituality of the Work of Mary (Focolare Movement) made an impression on Chiara at a young age.  When she was stricken with a rare bone cancer, she still managed to live for others, loving them and loving Jesus, despite her pain.  The Work of Mary’s founder gave her the name “Luce” (“lou-chay”) meaning “Light.”  An Italian boy’s miraculous healing has been attributed to her intercession.  Blessed Chiara Luce, help us to love Jesus and others constantly and concretely, even when we suffer.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Totus Tuus

Pope St. John Paul II, Oct 22:  This “saint-maker” – he canonized 482 saints and elevated over 1,300 to “blessed” – was canonized himself in 2014. Because he was head of the Mystical Body of Christ for over two decades, I thought that I knew a lot about him.  But, Saint John Paul the Great:  His Five Loves by Jason Evert revealed his keen intellect and remarkable holiness.  I recommend it.  Pope St. John Paul, help us to imitate our Holy Mother Mary, loving and serving God and our neighbor with humility and joy.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Gave up Novel Writing to Write for God

Teresa of Jesus aka Teresa of Avila, Oct 15:  A great mystic, contemplative, writer and humorist? She was no Erma Bombeck, but Teresa did have a sense of humor.  In a 2013 article, James Martin, SJ describes her lightheartedness, shown in the opening quote from her autobiography: “Having virtuous and God-fearing parents would have been enough for me to be good if I were not so wicked.”[1]  St. Teresa of Avila, help us to silence our “selves” in order to hear and obey the voice of Jesus, and help us to keep a good sense of humor.


Sunday, October 7, 2018


 Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, Oct 7:  Was any human being closer to Jesus than Mary? As our Mother and His, Mary can help us learn more about Jesus and the sacred mysteries. She was the first one who “pondered them in her heart” (Luke 2:19 RSV).  Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us!

Monday, October 1, 2018

Saint of the Day

(We pray with saints, because they are the special friends of God and can help us obtain the graces we need to help us on our earthly pilgrimage back to Him.)

Therese of Lisieux, Oct. 1: Was the path to holiness easy for Therese because she lived in a convent? As she writes in her Story of a Soul about her difficulties, she offers a lot of encouragement and hope to the rest of us. Many devotees (myself included) testify that she answers the novena addressed to her with roses. St. Therese, Little Flower of Jesus, help us to abandon ourselves to Jesus with childlike trust, and to love Him with all our hearts.