Thursday, December 12, 2013

Without Wheels

I was without a car for a couple of days.  No bicycle, either.  So, I was pretty much homebound, except for borrowing my mom's car for a trip to the grocery store.  Even though we aren't isolated, here are few conveniences within walking distance of my house.  The mailbox, for instance, is a mile away.  I could walk to my doctor's office, if I wanted to walk another 3 miles on a road where the speed limit is 55 mph.  Sure, it helped me to get a few things done around the house, but I really like getting out, even if it's only for an hour or so, every day.  Good thing these situations are few and far between.

God, thank you for our cars and my ability to drive.  Thank you for the independence and freedom they allow me to enjoy.

Dear Reader, if you have a car and can go, I join you in being thankful for the blessings.  Have a super day.  If it's sunny and fairly warm, maybe you can wash the car.  :)

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