Thursday, November 1, 2018

Two Holy Days

Feast of All Saints, Nov. 1:  The ghoulies, ghosties and long-legged beasties had their fun on “All Hallow’s Eve,” but the saints march in today, including those known to God alone.  I think of my little buddy, John of the Smiles…  Do you have a favorite saint?  Why is he/she special to you?  Write to me and share your thoughts.  Maybe I’ll feature them in a future newsletter!

Feast of All Souls, Nov. 2:  The Church asks us to pray for our beloved dead and to honor their resting places today and during this month.

                Susan Tassone has almost single-handedly revived the practice of praying for the Holy Souls in Purgatory.  Belief in Purgatory is as old as the Church and based in scripture (see the Second Book of Maccabees 12:45, 1 Cor 3:12-15, and Rv 21:27), though it wasn’t defined in doctrine until the high Middle Ages.* Many saints such as my Birgitta, Gertrude (who also gave us a prayer), Vincent Ferrer, Louis Bertrand, Gemma of Galgani, Faustina, and (Padre) Pio had revelations or visions about Purgatory.

                Tassone has compiled several devotionals for the Holy Souls, who need our prayers and sacrifices to gain quicker entrance into Heaven.  Her Prayers, Promises, and Devotions for the Holy Souls in Purgatory (Our Sunday Visitor, 2012) includes novenas of reflections and prayers, Marian supplications, Holy Hour prayers, saint invocations and more.

 If your bookshelf is bursting and your Kindle is crammed, here is a simple guide of offerings for the Holy Souls: 

1.       Thirty minutes of Adoration
2.       Pray the Rosary
3.       Pray the Stations of the Cross
4.       Fast and abstain from meat on
All Souls Day
5.       Fast and abstain from meat on
all Fridays in November.


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